At DocHQ, we have team members spread across the globe and in an effort to shine a light on both new and long-standing employees, we’ll be introducing a member of our team each week.
Starting on the home turf in the UK with our new Sales Development Representative, Joe Stewart, who joined DocHQ in March 2023…
Tell us a little bit about yourself
I have a background in B2B Business Development, gained within the wellbeing sector with a focus on both mental and physical health.
What about working with DocHQ interested you?
Working at DocHQ presents me with an opportunity to use my skills and experience to help organisations provide support to their employees and to help improve an individual’s quality of life – something that I am very passionate about.
What are the main benefits and downsides to flexible / remote working for you?
The flexibility and freedom of remote working allows me to have a better work life balance and not feel constrained by things such as commuting to the office. By having more flexibility, it has certainly helped improve my productivity and happiness.
There can be challenges of remote working, such as the difficulty of feeling connected to the workplace when working remotely. Fortunately at DocHQ, we have regular catch ups with all team members which means we stay connected and don’t feel isolated.
What do you see in your career path?
I want to use my skills and experience within employee wellbeing to help DocHQ continue to grow and be able to help support as many people back to good health as possible.
Do you have any hobbies that you do in your spare time to get some space from work?
Away from work, I enjoy spending my time with friends and family and training for various endurance events. I plan to cycle the west coast of France and run the Médoc marathon next year.