Working from home has become more accepted by companies since the pandemic. For many employees, working from home offers a multitude of benefits such as allowing more sleep, saving money spent on travel and lunches, longer evenings, and more flexibility. But there are negative impacts associated with working from home, particularly when there is no blending with an office environment. In this blog post, we will cover the physical and mental effects of working from home and the ways in which you can help your employees create a healthy work-life balance.

Poorer communication
Although a study found that 45% of employees felt working from home was better for their wellbeing, nearly 70% of those employees felt less connected to colleagues. The communication and social aspects of work not only make employees work more effectively but also makes them happier in their day-to-day lives. Having programmes that include all members of staff, whether in the office or at home, will help ensure all employees feel included in the company, even if they can’t make in-person events. Having leaderboards for challenges promotes healthy competitiveness and helps include team members.
At DocHQ, we are aware of the increasing difficulties when it comes to maintaining company culture while some employees are working from home. This is one of the many reasons we developed our newest product, DocHQ Personal Trainer, a digital fitness coach that provides real-time feedback as you workout through AI technology. With DocHQ PT, your employees can workout from the comfort of their own homes and connect with their colleagues to share achievements, scores and set challenges. It’s a great way to keep your team active and connected as they workout together online. With our 2-month free trial for businesses, you can support your team with their physical and mental health.

Physical effects
Another impact of working from home is the effect on the employee’s health. Over 1 in 4 people who work from home are working from a sofa or bedroom, and 50% of those people have said they have developed musculoskeletal issues. This clearly has a huge impact on their health. Working from poor setups and the lack of ergonomic furniture seen in offices therefore has a clear impact on those employees who don’t get to use them, and therefore a decrease in productivity will be seen. In order to prevent neck and back injury associated with sitting for several hours, it’s important to ensure your body weight is supported by your chair and that all your weight is not going through the spine. Try moving your neck and shoulders often to get the blood flowing. Simple stretches can help you feel more mobile and comfortable, which will make you more productive and happy at work.
Less movement
With over 80% of workers agreeing that regular exercise helps them stay focused and around 60% of remote workers cutting mobility day to day, poorer focus is commonly seen. Exercise is not only important for the physical benefits but is equally important for the mental health of your workforce. Ensuring your team exercises through employee benefit programmes will keep them healthy and help them stay focused. Those working remotely may find it difficult to make time to go to the gym or get regular exercise as we move into the wet and cold winter months.
The impact of home working can have a big negative effect on your employees, with less movement throughout the day leading to lower productivity and employee satisfaction, so making sure you provide them with the resources they need to stay healthy is essential.
A great way to get your team active together is our fitness companion, DocHQ’s PT, which offers your workforce access to training 24/7 with instant real-time feedback to ensure your employees are performing moves safely and effectively. With a 2-month free trial, try out DocHQ’s Personal Trainer and let employees start their fitness journey. Your team can work out comfortably and effectively from home with classes like Pilates and HIIT that last from 10 minutes to an hour.