Let’s look at how best to keep hygiene standards high within the workplace. It is especially important to reduce the spread of infection.
One person gets sick in the office, and before you know it, the whole department is coughing and sneezing and calling in sick.
But never fear! At DocHQ we’re here to help you stop the spread of viruses, prevent employee sickness, absence and stay on your feet. We can even help you measure sickness in the workplace.

Wash Your Hands
Ensuring everyone is washing their hands is essential to reducing the spread of bacteria and viruses. Invest in good quality soap, and consider providing moisturiser — people are far more inclined to keep up with hand washing if their hands feel and smell lovely afterwards.
Provide Hand Sanitiser
Soap is great, but hand sanitiser can be used on the go, and some varieties work to kill germs for hours after use.
Thorough Surface Cleaning
Make sure that all surfaces are cleaned thoroughly. Surface cleaners that give long lasting protection against germs can help work throughout the day
Remember to clean the objects too
Things like phone handsets and keyboards can harbour all kinds of nasties, and can be looked over easily. Keeping some antibacterial wipes nearby can help to give them a wipe over after use.
Sneeze into your elbow
If you don’t have a tissue to sneeze into, use the inside of your elbow. It helps contains the germs without getting them all over your hands which you will then touch everything with.
Sickness in the workplace costs more than you think – we can help you. Have you thought about providing health checks in the workplace to reduce sickness and speed up recovery?
We’ve created a simple infographic that you can print and display anywhere in the office!
DocHQ Ltd is a Health Tech company improving choices. We help you connect efficiently to health support and advice whether you are at home, work or travelling. See our website for our services or call us on 0330 088 0645.