Whether you have employees working from home or from the office, employers need to ensure that every workplace has safe and effective protocols in place. Not only is it a moral and ethical obligation, but also an essential part of any successful business. Workplace injuries can be costly and disruptive, costing businesses in terms of time and money, and putting employees at risk. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help prevent workplace injuries and ensure your employees stay safe and healthy. With DocHQ Physio, you can ensure that your employees maintain their physical health with the help from our Chartered Physiotherapists and our specialised AI technology. From easy access to physiotherapists, to remote consultations, to guided AI powered exercises to aid the rehabilitation process, DocHQ Physio has got your team’s health needs covered.

Implementing Ergonomic Practices

The most common physical injuries associated with working from home are musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). MSDs, such as back pain, can be caused by improper posture and the use of poor ergonomic equipment. Back, neck and shoulder pain can arise from lack of proper workspaces and lack of movement due to sitting down at a desk for too long. People are getting their work done on kitchen counters and dining tables, which are usually too high.

Ergonomics is the science of designing the workplace to fit the worker, and implementing ergonomic practices is essential for preventing workplace injuries. This means taking into account the physical demands of the job, as well as the individual needs of the employee.

One of the most important aspects of implementing ergonomic practices is to ensure that all employees have access to the proper equipment. This includes providing chairs and desks that are adjustable, as well as ergonomic keyboards and mice. Additionally, it is important to provide employees with the proper tools and equipment to help reduce the strain on their bodies.

Taking a break

The latest estimates from the Labour Force Survey (LFS) indicate that the total number of cases of work-related musculoskeletal disorders in 2020/21 was 470,000. 

Due to the rise in remote working in recent years, it is necessary that employees are provided with breaks throughout the day. This will help reduce the strain on the body and give the employee time to rest and recuperate. Additionally, it is important to provide employees with the opportunity to move around during the day. This can include providing access to standing desks, as well as giving employees the opportunity to take short walks during their breaks.

If your employees are suffering with MSDs, they can take advantage of DocHQ Physio service which is designed to be performed completely remotely. With DocHQ Physio, your employee can perform low-impact exercises as part of their treatment plan from the comfort of their homes. Specialised AI technology allows your employees to view themselves performing their rehab exercises alongside a video demo, and receive real-time feedback to correct their movement. All of their workouts are tracked by the AI tech so a chartered physiotherapist can monitor their progress. Performing rehab exercises for even 15 minutes during the work day can make a huge improvement on your employees’ overall health and wellbeing.

Taking Action When Injuries Occur

Despite your best efforts, workplace injuries are still possible. It is important to have a plan in place to address any injuries that occur. This includes providing employees with access to care and providing them with the opportunity to take time off if needed.

In today’s current climate, NHS wait times are at an all-time high and the longer you wait, the longer it takes to recover. DocHQ Physio removes the frustration of long wait times and travel costs as your employees can speak to one of our Chartered Physiotherapists via video call to have their issue assessed. Follow-up treatment appointments can be easily created, and the AI software allows our physiotherapists to review patient progress and change their  treatment plan exactly when needed. Many physiotherapists become frustrated when patients fail to perform their prescribed treatment plan, however it is understandable that some patients struggle to follow exercises without the assistance of a guide to motivate and correct them. DocHQ Physio not only provides a motivational AI coach to help patients accurately perform their exercises, but it also keeps a log of their progress to help the physiotherapists see how their patient is performing and what areas need more attention. 


Keeping your employees safe and healthy in the workplace is essential for any successful business. By taking the necessary steps to prevent workplace injuries, you can ensure that your workplace is a safe and productive environment for everyone. DocHQ Physio is a low-cost alternative to traditional physiotherapy that offers an individualised recovery plan to help treat MSDs. Give your employees power over pain with DocHQ Physio and allow them to work in conditions that put their health at the forefront.