Mobility exercises are often overlooked by those of us looking to improve fitness and overall health. But they can play a crucial role in keeping you in work without being in any unnecessary pain. In actual fact, workers in pain …

Mobility exercises are often overlooked by those of us looking to improve fitness and overall health. But they can play a crucial role in keeping you in work without being in any unnecessary pain. In actual fact, workers in pain …
Practicing mindfulness can bring a wide range of benefits to both our personal and professional lives. Scientific studies have shown that mindfulness improves brain capacity, creativity and problem solving, and can help to prevent and treat depression. Yet very few …
Most of us understand what compassion means when we use it towards other human beings but what about ourselves? Many of us get stuck in unhelpful patterns of unnecessary self-criticism which can prove harmful to our health. Self-compassion is becoming …
Employee engagement is not a new phenomenon; in fact, the term has been widely used since the 1990s. However, the recent statistical analysis has thrown the challenge of keeping employees engaged into the spotlight. The most shocking of the recent …
Much of our daily life has become habitual. In fact, studies have shown that habits account for around 40% of our behaviour on any given day. Therefore, whether you’ve built several good habits, or are increasingly developing bad ones, they …
Not only do internal promotions make staff twice as likely to put in extra effort at work, but companies that follow this type of policy triple industry average returns on their stock price and half the staff turnover of their …
You may have noticed that both probiotics and prebiotics are becomingly increasingly hot topics in the world of nutrition. In fact, in the UK alone we spend three quarters of a billion pounds on probiotic products. Yet despite these figures, …
61% of employees have experienced mental health issues due to work or work-related factors, which is why the mental health of employees is becoming an increasingly important consideration for employers up and down the country. But despite these alarming statistics, …
Many individuals today refer to themselves as perfectionists, citing the benefits in exacting high standards of both themselves and those around them. In fact, a 2016 study of 41,641 American, Canadian and British students revealed that perfectionism had grown dramatically …
With a third of employees across the globe feeling undervalued, and just under half feeling only somewhat valued, companies are increasing looking at how they can improve employee recognition. 65% of employees said they didn’t receive any recognition last year. …