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Tag Archives: menopause

The hidden costs of menopause in the workplace
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Almost a quarter of UK working women have considered quitting their jobs due to the impact of menopause or menstrual symptoms at work, new research has revealed. DocHQ has set out to provide a proactive solution to improve the wellbeing …

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The bone during osteoporosis

How to avoid osteoporosis as you get older
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A few bone facts you may not know: This last fact is often the one that surprises – and perhaps shocks – people. But do not fret if you are aged above 30 – you can still strengthen your bones …

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A woman cutting a cucumber

5 Foods that help ease hot flashes
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Hot flashes are a common symptom of menopause, and they can be uncomfortable and disruptive. While there is no cure for hot flashes, there are some foods that may help reduce their frequency and severity. Here are some foods that …

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