We are all aware that mental health issues are on the rise.

Universities are experiencing a surge in student anxiety, mental breakdowns and depression. There has been a sharp rise in students dropping out – of the 2015 intake, 26,000 left in their first year, an increase for the third year running – and an alarming number of suicides. In the 12 months ending July 2017, the rate of suicide for university students in England and Wales was 4.7 deaths per 100,000 students, which equates to 95 suicides or about one death every four days.

One in four adults experiences at least one diagnosable mental health problem in any given year. People in all walks of life can be affected and at any point in their lives. Mental health problems represent the largest single cause of disability in the UK. It helps to be able to spot the signs in yourself and others to enable people to get the support they need.

How can you Boost your Mental Health?

We have a useful image for you to download to raise awareness. There may be many factors that can affect your mental health. Here are 5 that are under your control – that you can do something about and that will have an effect on your health.

DocHQ – supporting your health and wellbeing.

You can read more information about these 5 steps here: 1. Sleep, 2. Building positive relationships, 3. Nutrition, 4. Thinking strategies and 5. Exercise

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