We are all aware that mental health issues are on the rise. Universities are experiencing a surge in student anxiety, mental breakdowns and depression. There has been a sharp rise in students dropping out – of the 2015 intake, 26,000 left in …

We are all aware that mental health issues are on the rise. Universities are experiencing a surge in student anxiety, mental breakdowns and depression. There has been a sharp rise in students dropping out – of the 2015 intake, 26,000 left in …
Short of time? Let’s break it down. Choose from our 100, 500 or 2000+ word blog. The Story in 100 Words Vaccinations play a vital role in the fight against preventable diseases. Whether they are administered as a child, or …
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Short of time? Let’s break it down. Choose from our 100, 500 or 2000 word blog. The story in 100 words Brits still love to travel abroad, perhaps a city break, cruise, backpacking or a couple of weeks well earnt …
Cases of yellow fever had traditionally been rare for international travellers. However, a surge of reported travel-associated cases in both 2017 and 2018 has brought the disease back into focus for those looking to travel to popular destinations in Africa …
Malaria is still one of the most prevalent diseases in the world today. Its seriousness as a global threat is underlined by the fact that one child loses their life to the illness every two minutes. Last year alone, over …
Israel is currently experiencing a boom in tourism, with Jerusalem playing host to the vast majority of Israel’s 4 million visitors a year, after all taking a break is good for your health. It has huge cultural and religious significance …
Hydration is a vital part of your overall nutrition and wellbeing. Yet it often goes ignored, with 89% of the British population not drinking enough water to maintain healthy hydration levels. This is particularly the case for adults aged over …
No matter your profession or walk of life, it’s inevitable that you are going to experience a life-altering event at some point during the course of your career. Changes may cause you stress and effect your mental health. Our health …
Remaining focused is one of the biggest challenges facing us today. With constant distractions provided by continual notifications on our phones, constant emails on our computers, and colleagues starting counterproductive conversations, it can sometimes feel like getting yourself to just …