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Walking is good, keep going
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The health benefits of walking, and how to stay motivated It can be hard to convince ourselves to walk to work when the car or the train can make the commute that much shorter, but give it a go. Walking …

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How much is sickness really costing your business?
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The DocHQ ROI calculator could help to show you. Sickness costs money.  That much is known, but how far it affects a business is often vastly underestimated and calculating the true amount can be difficult.  DocHQ have created a calculator …

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Positive Mental Health at Work
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The Mental Health Foundation says that “good mental health at work and good management go hand in hand” and there is strong evidence that workplaces with high levels of positive mental well-being are more productive. But all too often that …

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7 Ways to Improve Employee Performance
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Businesses want to ensure that their team is engaged in their work, feeling satisfied, and performing at their personal best, whilst building their dream team. For those team members who seem to be lagging behind, what can a concerned manager …

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Prescription Choices Explained
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The differences between private and NHS prescriptions, and which to choose. The NHS provides healthcare to all in the UK free at point of service. For some things however, there are charges, such as prescriptions in England. Long waiting times, …

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Flu Season is Here
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Tips to prevent catching and spreading the flu virus. Flu season is very much upon us, and has even seen a school in Southampton close due to an outbreak. Hospitals are struggling for beds and informing primary care to avoid admission …

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The science behind cuddling
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Give us a hug. Today is National Hugging Day! Did you know that there are actual scientific physical and mental benefits to hugging?  Before you back away thinking “Ew, people”, have a look at what you can get from a …

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New Year Resolutions!
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New Year, New You? Or just another failed resolution?D How many years has it been the year when you will get healthy, get fit, stop drinking, stop eating sugar, stop smoking….? How many years have those things happened from January 1st? The gym is joined, …

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BMI or something new?
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Measuring obesity in a way that is accurate. Obesity has steadily been rising since 1993, and there are now approximately two thirds of all adults in England classed as being overweight or obese. This can lead to many health problems …

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