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How menopause can lead to osteoporosis
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The average person’s bone mass peaks at 30. It remains steady into your 40s, then gradually degrades. When women go through the menopause and their oestrogen levels drop, it can have a hugely negative effect on bone health, and bone …

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The link between cholesterol and diabetes
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Every week in the UK, 680 people suffer a stroke as a result of complications from type 2 diabetes and 530 people suffer a diabetes-related heart attack, according to research by Diabetes UK. That’s a huge number of early deaths, …

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Cholesterol Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

The link between cholesterol and diabetes
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Every week in the UK, 680 people suffer a stroke as a result of complications from type 2 diabetes and 530 people suffer a diabetes-related heart attack, according to research by Diabetes UK. That’s a huge number of early deaths, …

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