Mental health is increasingly becoming an issue within a workplace setting. So much so that at least one in every 7 employees has experienced a mental health problem at work at some point during their careers.

Furthermore, 12.7% of all employee sickness can be attributed to mental health conditions. With the right mental health support employees are more likely to perform well, have better attendance levels and be more engaged in their work.

Part of helping to address this problem in the workplace is learning how to spot an employee’s sickness symptoms that are of a mental health (as opposed to a physical) nature.

Signs You May Be Suffering from A Mental Health Condition

There are a wide variety of mental illnesses that can manifest themselves in either yourself or your employees at work. However, a lot of them have common symptoms, and are usually spotted by noticing a stark change in someone’s behaviour.

It may start with small changes such a drop in an employee’s ability to concentrate or getting distracted easily.

But then those small changes may increase to reflect:

  • Increased anxiety and worry about relatively mundane tasks
  • Finding it hard to make decisions
  • A general feeling of being overwhelmed
  • Mood swings and short temper
  • Becoming withdrawn at work
  • Showing little interest in workplace or social activities
  • Heightened emotions

Common workplace mental health conditions such as stress, burnout, depression and anxiety exhibit some or all of these symptoms. Thus, it’s important to keep an eye out for any employees suddenly displaying these characteristics.

What to Do If You Think You’re Suffering from a Mental Health Condition?

For many, there is a stigma around mental health that prevents them from opening up about what they are going through.

If you think you may be suffering with your mental health, it’s important that you find someone to talk to. Initial contact can be made with close friends or colleagues that you feel comfortable with.

By talking to them, you will help explain your recent behaviour and will develop a better understanding of your situation. However, since most colleagues will not be experienced in effective mental health treatment, it is wise to seek outside support.

Whilst a GP can be helpful in the first instance, it is likely that you will need to meet with a mental health expert who can offer assessments and counselling.

What is Mental Health Counselling?

Counselling is the process whereby an individual speaks to a qualified mental health therapist about their thoughts, feelings and emotions that they are really struggling with.

Therapists help you to gain a better understanding of those thought processes and why you might by experiencing them.

This type of talking therapy is particularly effective at alleviating common workplace wellness issues employees go through such as stress management problems, feelings of anxiety, panic attacks, and depression. 

With effective counselling employees can stay on track and prevent themselves from slipping back into unhealthy mental states.

How to Safeguard an Employee’s Mental Wellbeing?

It is estimated that better mental health support in the workplace can save UK businesses up to £8 billion per year, so it’s not surprising that so many companies are taking an active interest in their employees mental health. Many are providing support through Employee Assistance Programmes, a platform where advice, information and counselling can be easily accessed. Ask us for further information.

By investing in your employees’ mental health, you will reduce staff sickness, absence, improve morale and increase your team’s productivity.

By enlisting services from DocHQ as part of your employee benefits package, you can give your workers access to all important mental health assessments and subsequent counselling if required.

DocHQ Ltd is a Health Tech company improving choices. We help you connect efficiently to health support and advice whether you are at home, work or travelling. See our website for our services or call us on 0330 088 0645.