It only takes one single mosquito bite to infect you with malaria and travellers could be at risk of malaria in numerous countries around the world. What is malaria? Where is it prevalent? What happens to people who get infected? …

It only takes one single mosquito bite to infect you with malaria and travellers could be at risk of malaria in numerous countries around the world. What is malaria? Where is it prevalent? What happens to people who get infected? …
We have a great Why Vaccinate? image for you to download and share, below. We use vaccines to build our body’s immune system and prevent world diseases from invading. The vaccine provides a controlled exposure to the infection, which trains …
Are you thinking about your next big adventure? When travel restrictions are relaxed you may want to travel abroad to explore different places and experience different cultures. We can’t learn everything from a book so experiencing new places can be …
Is rabies still a problem? Yes, currently rabies kills around 59,000 people each year across 150 countries. Although 95% of cases occur in Africa and Asia regions. Is there more than one type? Rabies is a viral infection of the …
It may be some time before we are allowed to travel once more to foreign lands. That does not stop us planning with the view to identifying countries or cities that you would love to visit. Perhaps looking into historic …
In 2015 Dr Sophie Williams, University lecturer from Bangor in the UK contracted Japanese Encephalitis whilst conducting field research in China. After spending weeks in a coma in Bangkok she returned home but now needs 24 hour care and in …
Holidays are a great way of taking a well-earned break on your own or with family or friends, to refresh and renew. You may already have your tickets and passport, but have you thought about your health? As part of …
Polio is one of those diseases that only seemed to be a problem years ago – but is it still around today? The Polio virus was identified in 1908. At its peak in the 1940s and 1950s, Polio paralysed or …
Diphtheria is an infectious disease affecting the throat and airways, caused by the bacteria (corynebactium diphtheriae) producing a thick covering in the back of the throat. It can cause difficulty in breathing, heart failure, paralysis and can be fatal. Where …
The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about a time for us to protect ourselves, our families, our communities and our country. We have gone through worse as a nation and we hope that we will emerge soon with a new vaccine …