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DocHQ Health Checks Articles

Weight loss and diabetes

Ways to lose weight and keep diabetes at bay
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January is the annual time when people assess their weight-loss goals following the indulgence of the Christmas period. Maintaining a healthy weight is important for many reasons, not least because it helps lower your chances of being diagnosed with diabetes.  …

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Featured Image anti diabetic food

The link between cholesterol and diabetes
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Every week in the UK, 680 people suffer a stroke as a result of complications from type 2 diabetes and 530 people suffer a diabetes-related heart attack, according to research by Diabetes UK. That’s a huge number of early deaths, …

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Cholesterol Diabetes and High Blood Pressure

The link between cholesterol and diabetes
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Every week in the UK, 680 people suffer a stroke as a result of complications from type 2 diabetes and 530 people suffer a diabetes-related heart attack, according to research by Diabetes UK. That’s a huge number of early deaths, …

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Menopause Symptoms written on a cardboard

Can menopause symptoms come and go or get worse?
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A common concern among women approaching menopause is the question of whether symptoms will come and go over the years. The answer is yes; menopause symptoms can indeed fluctuate in intensity and even disappear completely for some women. This is …

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